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What fruits and vegetables can dogs eat?

May 10, 20223 mins read

It's honestly tough to resist your dog's adorable eyes as they look at you while you're munching down on some fruits and veggies! But have you wondered if what you're giving your adorable paw-fect pal is good or bad for them? Fret not! We at Madras Mandi shall walk you through this conundrum.

Can your dog eat these Fruits?


Yes. Apples are an excellent source of fiber for your canine. It is rich in Vitamin A and C. Moreover, you can give your furry friend a frozen apple as a cooling treat in the hot summers!


No. While Avocados are healthy millennial-inspired fruit for us humans, it is harmful to dogs. Avocados contain persin, which is a toxin for dogs. Due to this harmful toxin, we urge that you keep this fruit out of your dog's diet and not even be given as a tasty treat.


Yes. But in moderation. Bananas serve as a great low-calorie treat for your dog. However, they have a high sugar content and hence should not be included in your dog's everyday diet. Rather, they can be given as a special treat once in a blue moon.


No. Grapes are very toxic for a dog's health, regardless of breed, age, or sex. Grapes and raisins contain a toxic that may cause kidney failure for them. We strongly urge you to be mindful to not feed them grapes for this very reason.


Yes, but in moderation. The king of the fruits can be a sweet treat for your dog every once in a while. They are rich in Vitamin A, B6, C, and E. However, make sure to remove the pit/seed of the mango before they can slurp this fruit as it contains traces of cyanide, while also being a choking hazard.


Yes. Oranges contain potassium and fiber and are an excellent source of Vitamin C for your dog. However, make sure that you throw the peel and seeds away before your canine munches it off of your hand, leaving your palm soaking in slobber.


Yes. Pineapples contain bromelain, which is an enzyme that helps dogs break down and digest their food faster. Pineapples are also an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and fibre. Just make sure you remove the prickly outer peel of the pineapple and feed your dog only the sweet inner flesh of the crown fruit.

Can your dog eat these vegetables?


No. While it is somewhat safe for dogs to eat Broccoli, we suggest that you don't feed them this healthy green veggie ingredient for humans. The florets of the broccoli contain a substance that can cause mild to severe gastric irritation and issues. Moreover, the stalks of these greens are known to cause blockage or obstruction in the esophagus of your dog.


Yes. Carrots are a great source of Vitamin A. They serve an excellent low-calorie that is high in fiber. Additionally, crunching and munching on these orange cones are great for your dog's teeth!

Green Beans

Yes. Low in calories and abundant in fiber and lush with minerals, green beans are great to include in your dog's diet. In fact, all sorts of beans are good for your paw-some pal - steamed, raw or canned. One thing to keep in mind though is to feed them only plain beans without any salts or other such cooking powders.


No. While roughly 50-100 of the 50,000 species of mushrooms are poisonous, supermarket-bought white mushrooms can be okay to feed your dog. However, Veterinarians generally advise against feeding your dog mushrooms altogether due to various reasons.


No. An absolute no-no! Onions are poisonous to dogs. Feeding onions can cause your dog's red blood cells to rupture. It can also cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach aches.  


Yes. Spinach can be consumed by dogs every once in a while. Spinach contains oxalic acid, which can deteriorate your dog's body to absorb calcium, which may ultimately lead to kidney damage. However, it takes an exceptionally large quantity of spinach for this to happen. If you're concerned, maybe it's best to avoid feeding your barking bloodhound this vitamin C and iron-rich leafy green.


No. Although tomatoes are technically considered a fruit, it is commonly used as a vegetable-like ingredient. Ripe tomatoes may be safe for your dog to munch on, but the green parts of a tomato plant contain a toxic substance called solanine. Eating this part can make your dog sick. So to be on the safer side, it's best to avoid feeding them to your canine altogether.

That's all folks! If you've got any friends or family that have a four-legged friend in the household, we urge you to share this blog with them.

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